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Messages of Light to your day volume 1

Who AM I? The awakening of the consciousness

This book is aimed at arousing the I Am in order to raise the human being’s awareness as a being formed by active energy who produces more energies, and thus requiring for establishing an energetic connection to the Pure Divine Energy of the Universe, God, to their wellbeing and balance.
In the face of this comprehension, each one shall rescue inside themselves the I Am, Pure Christi Spark of God, who is the light of Unconditional Love that sprouts in their own heart to guide their steps, thoughts and feelings, in the construction of the spiritual path, being the absolute Master of their conscious and actions.
By finding the I Am Divine inside yourself, you will disconnect everything that restricts you, the negativity linked to ego, pride, vanity, to rescue the peace, the inner harmony and establish a direct connection to the highest vibrational spheres of Light Spirituality.
We invite you to dive into this liberating and welcoming consciousness of the Purest Divine Energy of I Am!

We hope your awakening be of love, forgiveness and gratitude. Light yourself up!

Medical-Spiritual Team of Great Heart of Astheriãn.

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Messages of Light to your day volume 2

What am I doing here? Search for self

The purpose of this book is to sparkle in you, who is in an earthly experience, the need to raise your virtues and positive vibrations, attracting more of the same Energy of Good and freeing the moorings that hinder your evolutionary walk, so that you succeed at practicing your I AM Divine with mildness.
The path to take during the meeting with yourself is facilitated by widening your Will to live immersed in light, which can be reached with commitment, faith, strength and attention to the instructions being transmitted by the Highest Light Spirituality.
This way, you shall seek peace and inner harmony, generating necessary healing to carve out a blessed and harmonious life with yourself, with nature and with social and family environments.
We invite you to seek and find yourself in this liberating and welcoming consciousness of the Purest Divine Essence.

May your walk be of light and wisdom! Find yourself!

Medical-Spiritual Team of Great Heart of Astheriãn.

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Messages of Light to your day volume 3

Where do I want to go to? Walking in the Light

The purpose of this book is to arouse you to a path of light and to encourage you to a daily exercise of self-knowledge and practice of good that demand you discern false impressions and mistaken decisions about yourself.
This journey demands courage, discipline, commitment and sincere desire to change and become a better person than you are now.
This way, you shall seek peace and inner harmony, generating necessary healing to carve out a blessed and harmonious life with yourself, with nature and with social and family environments.
We invite you to this path of light towards the Purest Divine Essence.

We hope your path be illuminated. Rejoice!

Medical-Spiritual Team of Great Heart of Astheriãn.

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Messages of Light to your day volume 4

How do I want to go? Full consciousness

This book closes the cycle of journey of the soul, which started with book 1 - Who AM I? - The Awakening of the Consciousness, followed by book 2 - What am I doing here? - Search for Self, and book 3 - Where do I want to go to? - Walking in the Light.

Book 4 - How do I want to go? - Full Consciousness invites you to deepen the self-knowledge, to reflect and inquire the path taken so far and the necessary thing to follow your journey of the soul.

In each message of Light of this book, the Unconditional Love is present and shows you how it can be easily reached; simply let it get into your heart.

Always take inside of you the Unconditional Love, in every moment of your daily life, in every contact with people, with nature, with living beings, and you shall experience the greatness of being near the Father in His Purest Divine Essence. With discipline, faith and determination, you shall be able to understand your purpose, to accept your essence and to follow towards your path of light and spiritual evolution.

Now we invite you to deepen in this work and meet full consciousness.

We want the light of Unconditional Love to be your guide. Come true!

Medical-Spiritual Team of Great Heart of Astheriãn.

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Revista Digital Mensagem de Luz – Nº151

Revista Digital Mensagem de Luz – Nº150

Revista Digital Mensagem de Luz – Nº149

Mantra of forgiveness, love and gratitude of Grupo Anjos de Luz

Today I forgive myself.

And at this moment I forgive everyone.

Forgive me.

I'm sorry.

I love myself.

I love everyone.

I am grateful.

I am free!

Everyone is free!

So it is.

So will be.

It's done!

Amen, amen, amen and amen.

Prayer of Ismael

Glory to God in the highest; peace to men on earth! Jesus, good and beloved Master, sustain your humble, sinning brothers in the battles here on earth.

Blessed angel of the Lord, open for us your compassionate embraces; protect us from evil, lift our spirits to the Majesty of your Kingdom, and infuse in all our senses, the light of Your immense Love.

Jesus, through your sublime sacrifice, through your martyrdom on the cross, give those who are bound to the heavy burden of matter, the perfect orientation of the way and virtue, the only one we can find you.

Jesus, peace to them, forgiveness to our enemies and receive in your blessed breast the prayer of the least of your servants.
Blessed Star, Lighthouse of the Immortal "phalanges", purify us with your divine rays; cleanse us of all our guilt; attract us to move close to Your breast, the blessed sanctuary of all love.

If the world, with its errors, passions and hates, strews the path with needles, darkening our horizon with clouds of sin, brighten more with your forgiveness, in order that secure and aided in your message we can overcome the difficulties of the way and reach the dwellings of your kingdom.
Friend - Star - Lighthouse of both sinners and the just, open your divine breast and receive our supplication - for all humanity. Let it be thus.

Prayer of Caritas

God, our Father, who is all power and goodness, give strength to those who go through tribulations; give light to those who seek the truth, and fill the human heart with compassion and charity.

God, give the guiding star to the traveller, consolation to the afflicted, and rest to the sick. Father! Give repentance to the guilty, truth to the spirit, guidance to the child and a father to the orphan.

Lord! May your goodness extend over everything that You have created. Mercy, Lord, to those who do not know You and hope to those who suffer.

May Your goodness allow the consoling spirits to spread peace, hope, and faith everywhere. God! A ray of light and a spark of Your love can inflame the Earth. Let us drink from the fountains of this abundant and infinite goodness, and all tears will be dried, and all pain will be lessened.

A single heart, a single thought will rise to you, like a cry of gratitude and love.

Like Moses on the mountain, we wait for You with open arms oh! Goodness, oh! Beauty, oh! Perfection, we wish in some way to deserve Your mercy.

God! Give us the strength to help progress so we may rise up to You, give us pure charity, give us faith and reason; and give us the simplicity that will make our souls the mirror that will reflect your image.
So it is, and so it will be!

Lord's Prayer in Aramaic

Father-Mother, from whom the breath of life comes,

Source of sound, Wordless Action, Creator of the Cosmos!

Make Your light shine within us, between us and around us so we can make it useful.

Help us follow your path, breathing the only feeling that emanates from You…

May our BEING, on the same pace, be with yours, so we walk like Kings and Queens with all the creatures.

May Your wish together with our wish be a whole one all in light, like in all forms, like in all individual existences, like in all communities…

Make us feel the earth’s soul within us, so we may feel the wisdom that exists in everything. Do not allow that superficial things and the world’s exterior appearances fool us but let us be freed from all that prevents our progress…

Let us not forget that you are The Power and the Glory of The World, The Chant that renews from time to time and embellishes everything.

May Your love be the soil where all of our actions grow.

So be it.

Metta Prayer

May "all beings" be happy, well and whole;
May "all beings" be healthy and perfect;
May "all beings" have all that they need and desire;
May they be protected from harm, and free from fear;
May "all beings" enjoy inner peace and ease;
May "all beings" be awake, free and without any limitation;
Let none deceive or despise another anywhere;
Let none wish harm to another, in anger or in hate;
May that peace expand into their world and throughout the entire universe;
May all beings of the world be free from suffering;
May all beings find happiness.

Source: Awakening the Buddha Within – Lama Surya Das

Invocation to Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael in front of me,
Archangel Michael behind me,
Archangel Michael on my right side,
Archangel Michael on my left side,
Archangel Michael over my head,
Archangel Michael in my heart,
Archangel Michael beneath my feet.
May He guide me to all the good paths
And wherever I go
The blue light from His sword
Bless me, protect me, guard me, support me
But deliver us from all the evil
Today, tomorrow and for the all lasting days of my life
Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.

Prayer to Bezerra de Menezes

We beseech You, Father of Infinite Kindness and Justice, the graces of Jesus Christ, through Bezerra de Menezes and his legions of companions.

May they assist us, Lord, consoling the afflicted, curing those who deserve it, comforting those who have trials and expiations to go through, clarifying those who desire to know the Truth and helping all those who appeal to Your Infinite Love.

Jesus, Divine Bearer of Grace and of Truth, extend Your hands full of gifts in succour of those who recognize You as the Faithful and Prudent Steward; do this, Divine Model, through Your consoling legions, Your Holy Spirits, so that Faith may be elevated, Hope increased, Kindness expanded, and Love may triumph over all things.

Bezerra de Menezes, Apostle of Good and of Peace, friend of the humble and the sick, move your friendly phalanxes in benefit of those who suffer physical or spiritual ailments. Holy Spirits, worthy workers of the Lord, spread graces and cures over suffering humanity so that the emanature may become friends of Peace and of Knowledge, of Harmony and of Forgiveness, sowing throughout the world the Divine Examples of Jesus Christ.

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God,
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God,
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men.
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the Centre which we call the Race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
So be it!
And always will be.
Because it Is

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is discord, unity
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is error, truth.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is sadness, joy.
Where there is darkness, light
O Divine Master grant that I may:
not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it's in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Decree of the Servants of the Light

I am a Body of Light
I light up myself and all around me
I turn on the Light’s Cosmic Potentialities so it can vibe in each and every being
I am The Light
I am The Highest Vibration of Light
I am The Light
I vibrate according to the Light and there I remain for the eternity.

Archangel’s Meditation


Archangel Michael

First Ray

Deliverance of human’s will to God’s will.
“Archangel Michael, the God’s will prevail in me.”


Archangel Jofiel

Second Ray

Knowledge and Wisdom.
“Archangel Jofiel, give us the necessary wisdom to believe in ourselves, in our power and in our light.”


Archangel Chamuel

Third Ray

Awakening Love.
“Archangel Chamuel let us develop the unconditional Love.”


Archangel Gabriel

Fourth Ray

Resurrection and the ascension flame.
“Archangel Gabriel arouse in us our purification towards Ascension.”


Archangel Raphael

Fifth Ray

Freedom of mind so might we know the truth.
“Archangel Raphael free us from judgement, pride and selfishness So that the truth prevail.”


Archangel Uriel

Sixth Ray

Compassion and mercy.
“Archangel Uriel give us faith in our prayers.”


Archangel Zadkiel

Seventh Ray

Together with the violet-flame angels, he embodies the violet ray qualities of God’s freedom, alchemy, transmutation, forgiveness and justice.
“Archangel Zadkiel help us in our karma’s transmutation so we become free and reach the Divine.”